About Us

People often ask me "why urns?"  I don't think many folks grow up thinking, "I want to make urns."  Two things led me to bring my woodworking and artistic vision together to try to create beautiful urns. First, I moved to a 55+ community with an amazing woodshop where I met my mentor, Dennis Wright, a woodworker with over 40 years experience.  Dennis makes one-of-a-kind urns for local funeral homes and after seeing my work, asked me to work alongside him.  Dennis is into his 80's and likes to tell me often, "I ain't gettin' any younger!"  


Second, my wife and I recently lost the last of our 4 dogs, Elaine.  That's her in the upper left.  You'll see all of their names on our pet urns: Tiny Rose, Tyrone, Harley, and Elaine.  It broke our hearts when they passed, but they were such a deep part of our family, we needed something to help remember them.  After their passing, we got the standard cremation and urn package, but the urn was so basic and simple and I wanted to honor them with something more fitting.  So I made an urn for Elaine where we put her cremains along with her leash, collar, and tags.  And I also made one for the other pups.  For some reason, the beautiful urns on our shelf help keep their memories close and a smile on our faces.

Speaking of smiles, the framed art lets me make things that simply bring a smile to my face and hopefully yours.  I love animals, fish, and boho art, so you will see those themes.  I can engrave and frame any image that makes you smile.  Feel free to email if you have a design in mind.  Let's make art together!

We find the urns extremely comforting and hope you will find our urns and art comforting too.  That's our goal at Lowcountry Urns + Art: to create a customized, beautiful final resting place for your loved ones that helps keep their memories close and customized engraved art to make you smile.

Let us know how we can help!

With Love & Care - Steve